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Exporting around the globe

Can You Energise Your Exporting With Strategic Planning?

What should exporting actually involve? Is it enough to join a trade fair and hope for the best outcome? Trade is a two-way street.  It...

industry export growth

How Can We Support Export Growth in Manufacturing?

There is a popular misconception that the UK economy is simply service-led and that manufacturing has a shrinking role. However, the...

get expert advice when looking to export

SME businesses – Have you discovered the New World?

Henry R. Luce, the American publishing magnate once said: “Business, more than any other occupation, is a continual – dealing with...

helping businesses to get their export right

Home James – Where best to start your export journey

What is logistics? You may well ask;  and how does it affect me? Simply, logistics is the art of getting what is needed where it needs to...