Posts by: Editor


Will UK Manufacturing Meet the Export Challenge?

One of the consequences of a weaker pound following the Brexit referendum has been a growth in UK manufacturing. In 2017, the country’s...


Why is Yarn Processing an International Pipeline Saver?

Internationally, the pipeline industry faces enormous challenges in meeting growing demands for energy while keeping costs low.  Some 50%...

smart technologies

Can Britain Successfully Export Smart Technologies?

In 2016, the British High Commission in New Delhi announced that leading UK companies in the field of smart grids were showcasing their...

manufacturers export journey pains

Manufacturers: What Are the Pains of Your Export Journey?

When manufacturers face long payment cycles, this can spell trouble. This is especially true for first-time exporters. Without careful...

Lisa Wilson - Cowgill Holloway

Cowgill Holloway and Export Experts Magazine Support Export Journeys

For some businesses, exporting is the next, logical step in their growth.  For others, it feels more like a big leap forward, into unknown...