Posts by: Editor


BITA Exposes Technology’s Impact on International Engagement

Good relationships and communication are essential for successful trade, especially in international markets. A video conference call can...


Can Robotics Aid the Sustainability of UK Manufacturing?

How much does Britain need robots? True, there have been negative stories about a gloomy future for workers as more automation is...


Is Guadalajara the New Madrid for Business Relocation?

There are many factors which influence where a company locates their business in Spain. From looking at the influential companies who have...

product launch gifts

Are Your Promotional Gifts Culturally Appropriate for Product Launch?

With a service or product launch, you need to be able to educate your target audience about it. Marketing is about reaching this audience,...

supply chain management

How do People Impact Supply Chain Management?

Much supply chain management focuses on the challenges of a globalised market, ensuring that suppliers are reliable and compliant, and that...